Start With Sorry

Start With Sorry

In Start With Sorry, Three-year-old Luna loves to spend time with her older brother, Asher, and she wants to do everything he does. But when they sit down to draw pictures together, Luna feels upset that she can’t do everything he can do. When she reacts in anger, Asher is sad and doesn’t want to color with her anymore. With Mommy’s help, Luna learns how to make amends for hurting her brother’s feelings. Kids love this story, written by PT Finch, and adults appreciate the valuable lesson it teaches about empathy for others.

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Reviewed by Barbara Fanson, Readers’ Favorite – Start With Sorry by PT Finch is an outstanding book that parents should read to their children. The story and illustrations work well together to create a must-have children’s book, which children and their parents will enjoy.

Reviewed by Chris Stead, Old Mate Media – Finch’s tale comes from the same school of modern children’s TV. It’s focused on delivering its message about empathy and positive thinking, and doesn’t hide that within a grander setting or style. For parents with squabbling siblings looking to get that message across, Start With Story can be quite a valuable tool. It’s also a champion for greater cultural diversity in the library of available children’s books. Perhaps in itself a subtle reinforcement of the theme of empathy.