Free Chapter Submission & Publication
If you are an author or publishing company and your work is already available for sale on Amazon, you may submit the first chapter of your novel here, for free. We currently only accept text submissions – no picture books. Upon review and approval, we will post your first chapter to our website for free, with an affiliate link to your product page on Amazon. Just fill in the form, and attach the entire first chapter of your book (PDF, DOC, DOCX or RTF) as well as the cover art (JPG or PNG). Once your content is approved and published, we’ll send you a link to the page and ask that you share it on your website and social media channels. This is a collaborative effort where everybody wins if everybody does their part.
Submit Your Chapter Here
Submissions For Full Publication
At present, we are only accepting submissions of children’s picture books. They should be fully edited with high quality, original artwork and a unique theme. Please do not send us work that includes free images found online. You do not need a literary agent to submit to Literary Mango. Just include a well-structured and concise cover letter, along with your manuscript in electronic format. Email your documents to [email protected] with the subject line, “Children’s Book Submission” and be sure to include contact information in the body of the email.
Generally, we do not offer advances on new titles. However, if we do accept your book for publication, we will bring it to market quickly and we will promote it aggressively.